Friend or Foe: How Familiarity of the Competition Affects Female Intrasexual Competition
Doss, E. R. (SU ‘19), Olson, E. S. (SU ‘20), & Perilloux, C. (2019). Friend or foe: How familiarity of the competition affects female...

General Mate Value Scale (GMVS): Creation and Assessment
Partain, E. F. (SU ‘21), Cruse, G. E. (SU ’21), Bell, M. K. (SU ’19), Perilloux, C., & Webster, G. D. (2019). General Mate Value Scale...

Creative Casanovas: Mating Strategy Predicts Using—but Not Preferring—Atypical Flirting Tactics
White, J., Lorenz, H., Perilloux, C., & Lee, A. (2018). Creative Casanovas: Mating strategy predicts using—but not preferring—atypical...